Thoughts on living in and creating community

Practical experiences from Windward folks

The Wisdom of Squirrels – Lindsay talks about taking a leap of faith

A Declaration of Interdependence – thoughts on love-based living

Living in Community – Lindsay Shares thoughts on the more personal aspects of life on the Plateau, 2011

Technology in Service of Community – Lindsay & Walt share about the role of techonology to support community

Passing of the Founders – Walt shares about watching his contemporary communitarians pass away

Dynamic Consensus – wherein silence plus time constitutes consent

Harris’ Law – How has Windward has been able to survive and prosper while so many other intentional communities have fallen by the way side?

Two Hours a Day – wherein Walt elaborates on expectations

A Different Kind of Community – dealing with a winter-time challenge

Thoughts by other notable communitarians

What Holds a Community Together? – Andrew shares ideas from The Sacred Matrix by Dieter Duhn, co-founder of Tamera

The World of Our Future Exists … – to the exact degree that we behave as if we’re already living in it

Kat Kinkade and the Communal Theories of Equality and of Sharing – a conglomaration of thoughts about equality and community living stemming from the work of Kat Kinkade

Learning from historical examples of Community

Want to change the world? Read the manual first! – Walt shares about the Oneida Community as a successful example of community

Visiting Oneida – A trip to one of America’s most successful historic intentional community.

Oneida Community – Quotes from “Without Sin” by Spencers Klaw, about the Oneida Intentional Community