Notes from Windward: #71


The natural beauty of Windward


     Many mornings I take forest walks. I am comforted by the natural beauty of the trees, of the moss, the morning dew, and the decaying wood nestled amongst the fallen leaves. Mostly I focus on the minute things. The tiny organisms that one rarely sees. Pixie cup lichens, liverworts, fungi and the multitude of crawlie critters. On one of these mornings I decided to bring some of this beauty back to Opus. It took several mornings and a few afternoons.

     To follow is the result of my endeavor. Hope this brings some comforting beauty into your mind and soul.

     Plans for a community moss/understory garden behind the kitchen are underway! This area will provide a quiet welcoming space for outdoor lounging, reading, crafting and fun.







Notes From Windward - Index - Vol. 71