Notes from Windward: #69

Computer Crash

a frustrating reminder of how much we all depend on technology


     Our apologies for the ten day gap in Notes updates. Lots of things have been going on, but we've not been able to share the happenings because of a huge crash of our main computer. It turned out that getting back on line wasn't as simple as replacing a hard drive. Rather, we had to wipe the system, reinstall the operating system and then go through the challenge of tracking down current drivers for many of the components. It's bad enough to have to deal with this sort of thing when the weather's got us holed up inside, but this is the height of the spring weather and it's a major bummer to be stuck inside doing computer work when the weather's so nice outside.

     Over the next few days, I'll be tackling the back-log of Notes articles. In the meantime, thanks for stopping by to check on what we've been up to.

Notes From Windward - Index - Vol. 69