Notes from Windward: #68


The New Year Brings More Snow

Opalyn offers a weather update

     Nature presented us with a New Year’s gift of snow – another eight inches of bright white fluffy snow. As New Year’s Day progressed the falling snow turned into a drizzle adding considerable weight to each roof.

     We are keeping an eye on our newly completed Bridge and pleased to report that it is holding strong--but nature always bats last, and winter's still a long way from being over.

Vermadise's western wall is four feet tall
from the ground to the start of the plastic

     Vermadise is a forty-foot long hoop greenhouse where our chickens and rabbits spend the winter. This fall when we took the shade cloth off and replaced the plastic we noticed a few tears. Because of these weak spots we have been extra careful to keep the snow load low on Vermadise this winter. As the day warmed the snow and rain continued to add weight to the roof, Andrew and I decided to give Vermadise a helping hand by excavating the snow drifts and clearing most of the snow off the roof.

Notes From Windward - Index - Vol. 68