Notes from Windward: #67


Our First Two Summer Interns Arrive

Becca and Alison arrive from Minnesota

     Jacki, one of our '06 interns, was making her way back to Pennsylvania on the train when she met another undergrad who expressed interest in what she'd been doing for the summer. When that person got home, she contacted Windward to apply for consideration as an '07 intern--and so we met Becca, an environmental major from Minnesota.

Becca and Alison at Multnomah falls

     Not long after we accepted Becca as the first of our '07 interns, we were contacted by Alison, an acquaintance of Becca's. We'd never considered two interns from the same school before, and were somewhat hesitant--but in due time Alison convinced us that she would be a positive addition to the program.

     Becca was especially drawn to our work in hyper-integrated aquaponics. Alison is a theater major who's looking to broaden her understanding of environmental issues.

Notes From Windward - Index - Vol. 67