Notes from Windward: #67


Signs of Spring

it's early, but most welcome

     Winter weather is unpredictable most everywhere, but this year it seems especially so. While the eastern part of the country is dealing with some very nasty conditions, we're enjoying an early spring. For me, the first sign that winter's passing is when I don't have to break the ice on the sheep's water each morning--and that ritual hasn't been necessary for more than a week. And what that means is that it's time to get the pens ready for lambing :-)

Saffron starting to come up

     Another early sign of spring that we've not seen before is the early growth in the saffron bed located behind the dining hall. After the dining hall was backfilled last year, Todd, Jacque--with the able help of the 'terns--planted a permascale garden in which everything planted contributes in some specific way toward meeting Windward's needs. The early saffron sprouts are the first part of that work to start showing.

Notes From Windward - Index - Vol. 67