Notes from Windward: #67


Harvesting Potatoes


     With the rains coming in, and with the ground growing ever more moist, we decided it was time to harvest the potatoes from within their natural cooler: the earth. The potatoes did quite well this year, and we liked how well the PVC piping served to bring duck fertilized water to the potato beds in the form of gravity fed drip irrigation. For the last couple days, we have been working in the afternoon to gather up the potatoes to bring them up to the kitchen for winter storage. From the three rows we planted, we harvested about 11 gallons of beautiful Yukon Gold and Baby Red potatoes.


     Yesterday evening I went down to finish up the harvesting and gathered the last of this season’s potatoes just as the moon was becoming visible into the southeastern sky. Over the course of the evening, as I was digging, my hands in the cool, black soil, I watched the evening light show on the plateau that rises just on the other side of the Klickitat River. The low angles of light on clear days, at both dawn and dusk, cast a beautiful orange hue on the plateau. It varies from a soft glow to fiery blaze, and it is wonderful to watch. Yesterday, when I looked back to the northern sky, pink clouds were floating within a blue sea, and I couldn’t help but watch in awe the close to yet another beautiful fall day.


Notes From Windward - Index - Vol. 67