Notes from Windward: #66

From the In Box

     The keeping of a daily blog is something that's new to this year's Notes, and there's always the question of whether it's something we want to keep doing since it takes a notable amount of time to do, and we have no shortage of interesting things to invest our time in. A few days back we got a very nice email from someone who's been following along and had this to say:

     I have just finished voraciously reading absolutely every word on your website, and for the record I am not generally that obsessive (and yes, I read the bylaws).

     I suppose I am one of the quarter life crisis sufferers, in any case I have become increasingly depressed and disturbed in recent years with the future prospects of participation in the popular social paradigm. It is more reassuriing than I can effectively describe to know that there are wise and forward looking people out there somewhere who are actively living a viable, sustainable alternative. I can't recall ever being quite so proud and envious at the same time.

     I live in the S.F. bay area in northern California and it seems that everyone I know is looking for an cooperative alternative to the rat race, but the possibility often seems like a pipe dream. The example set by Windward gives me hope. While I do not personally believe that I would be a good apprentice candidate for a variety of reasons, I applaud you for making the preservation of traditional skills and the sharing of the associated knowledge an organizational priority.

     If possible I would love to share any resources you know of in my area, or on the web, in books etc. that may help me start my education in the area of sustainable alternative living. I would also like to know if there is a possibility of coming to visit for a weekend or to check out a seminar or some such excuse to get a brief taste of the possibilities. I am sure that you are busy and I appreciate you taking the time to answer this note.

      I must confess that if I were in a similar scenario to yours I would be sorely tempted to ignore the outside world completely. Your willingness to share what you and your fellow community members are doing is a credit to your community and a service to humankind. I sincerely thank you and urge you to continue setting an example for the rest of us to learn from. -- Spencer

     If you're a regular reader of the blog, we'd invite you to take a few minutes and make a connection since we're interested in the people who find what we're doing interesting, and it's very encouraging to know that there are others out there who appreciate the work we're doing even if only from a distance.

     Our email address is

Notes From Windward - Index - Vol. 66