Notes from Windward:

Welcome to the 59th issue of Notes From Windward. We hope that you'll enjoy this glimpse of what we're up to these days.

For the summer of '99, the big news involves the work going into the expansion of our stock of housing. A key component of that involves extending our main underground powerline another 650' and adding a 1,000 amps of service capacity, as well as laying the conduit needed to expand our phone and video lines. It's a big job, and marks a significant step forward.

We've cleared building sites for four A-frame cabins, and have obtained permits for the installation of septic systems to service the cabins. We've also worked out permits for a dual drainfield system for the dining hall that will handle greywater separately from blackwater, as well as a permit for a drainfield system especially designed for the laundry.

We're currently averaging a dozen people living on site, but our county conditional use permit allows for twenty-one full time residents. Preparing for that growth means a doubling of our capacity across the board. Some things are easy to scale up, while other things almost require a complete re-engineering. In some cases, the scale of a project such as Windward allows us to do some nifty things that just wouldn't be viable for a single household. Plumbing may not be a sexy subject, but it is a vital one.

The Old School program has expanded substantially since last year, and we're excited by the enhanced selection of classes being offered. We're also pleased that a number of people who are interested in getting more involved with Windward will be coming up to participate that weekend. Our goal is for people who think that this might be something they'd like to do, to come up and be here for a few days getting to know the place, the people and the critters.

The expansion of our gardening areas is also galloping ahead. Last year we purchased a strip of land needed to set back our nothern boundary another 165 feet. Now that our northern boundary is where we want it, we've started installing a permanent fence along that side of the property. Since we won't be building on this buffer zone, we're enclosing a sizable hunk of it as additional garden space. You never have too much garden space.

We hope that you'll enjoy your virtual visit to Windward. If you like what we're doing, and think that it might be something you'd be interested in doing, we hope you'll get in touch.

With best wishes from Windward,


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